Provincial Connections
Our schools come from all three Tikanga of our Anglican Province and can draw on the skills, knowledge and support of many people and organisations within it.
Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia central website for the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia. Here you'll find the latest news across our national and international Church, and also contact details for our archbishops and General Synod Office personnel.
Contact E-mail:
Contact Number: 09 521 4439
Tikanga Toru Youth Commission is the central co-ordinating body for our Three Tikanga youth. Jax, who is the Commissioner, works with young people across Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia to equip them in mission and ministry, and to organise gatherings where they can support each other and have a lot of fun in the process. She's a great source of resources on our Three Tikanga church.
Strandz and Families ministry for Tikanga Pakeha, run by the ever-creative Diana Langdon. This site is a treasure-trove of ideas with more being added all the time. Diana herself is perhaps the best resource of them all, and is happy to deepen connections with our schools.
Contact E-mail:
Contact Number: Contact via the Anglican Schools Office
Royal Commission 2019 the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care will be looking into what happened to children, young people and vulnerable adults while in state or faith-based care. The Anglican Church was instrumental in getting the Commission to extend its scope to cover faith-based institutions, because we believe that if abuse has occurred there it needs to be brought to light. We are therefore doing all we can to support the process in the hope that some healing can come to those whose trust, mind or body were abused. Contact details for those wishing to make a submission are available on the website. Draft recommendations for protocols and procedures can be provided on request by the Anglican Schools' Office. A brief information sheet which may be helpful can be found at . Further information .
Contact E-mail:
Contact Number: 0800 222 727
Resourced!“Resourced” website for youth resources and for Anglican Youth Ministries in NZ. Many of the creative ideas on this site are easily adapted for classroom or chapel use, and it would be a great site to delve into when preparing for a retreat or school camp. Lorna, the National Youth Co-ordinator, would love to deepen connections with our schools.
Contact E-mail:
Contact Number: Contact via the Anglican Schools Office
Anglican Missions hub of mission work for our Anglican Province
Contact E-mail:
Contact Number: +64 4 499 5553
Better World are involved with our schools in a number of ways, but particularly through our Conferences and this gap programme: Betterworld. Read details of this programme here: .
Contact E-mail:
Contact Number: Contact via the Anglican Schools Office
St John's Theological College John's College is the Provincial Theological College. Many of our ordinands live at the College for their theological and formation training, but courses for continuing education are also available across the Province through partnerships between St John's College and diocesan Ministry Educators.
Contact E-mail:
Contact Number: +64 9 521 2725
Bishopdale College is an Anglican theological college based in the Diocese of Nelson. They offer internships for young adults. An internship is "like an apprenticeship in Christian ministry. Mentored internships fit well with the way that Jesus grew His disciples - learning skills, watching and practising, being encouraged and corrected, and growing into a whole new realm of service. Bishopdale internships, which take place in partnership with Laidlaw College, provide an excellent and rewarding way to explore ministry further, gain experience and training, all within an NZQA accredited framework." Find our more at
Auckland: AYM and Grace Collective Anglican Youth Ministries the Auckland Diocese offers many ways in which young people can connect with each other and their faith. This includes anything from social events, sports, camps & youth worship services that will help you discover more about Jesus, develop leadership skills and much more.
Te Pihopatanga o te Tairawhiti mission in Te Tairawhiti since 1834 has been, "Kawea Te Rongopai" - to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with every whanau, hapu, and iwi in Te Tairawhiti and beyond.
Contact E-mail:
Contact Number: +64 6 867 8856
Diocese of Waiapu: The Faith Project Faith Project aims to help raise confident young people who are committed to faith, service and leadership. It is based around the Five Marks of Mission and is open to any young person across the Province.
Messy Church NZ Church is a church for everyone who may not feel comfortable attending a ‘normal’ church service and who don’t yet belong to a church. Ideas from Messy Church can be creatively incorporated into school life.
Te Ruinga Gap Programme Ruinga is a one year discipleship programme for Young Anglicans (18-25) from across Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific. Over the year, participants will live, learn, pray and serve together as they explore what it means to follow Jesus in our time and place. Participants will live in community together for the year as part of the wider St Johnʼs Theological College community. They will take part fully in the daily prayer rhythms, community meals and celebrations. Participants will complete the NZ Diploma in Christian Studies (NZQA Level 5) alongside a variety of other informal learning experiences throughout year, such as noho marae, community service and an overseas mission exposure.
Contact E-mail:
Contact Number: 09 5212475
What's Next?'s Next is a website aimed at high school levers and showing them great options for what they could do next! There are ideas, opportunities and connections within the Anglican Dioceses in New Zealand.