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The Abbey

August 21, 2020 - August 23, 2020

The Abbey

Event Date & Time: August 21, 2020 - August 23, 2020

Cost: $155 – 400

The Abbey is the national Anglican youth ministry conference: a place for all Anglican youth leaders to gather, train and be encouraged. Meet, laugh, worship with and learn from other youth leaders from Anglican churches around NZ who love following Jesus and developing young people (Subsidies available)


Paul said it in Ephesians 2:14, and it’s written in our prayer book too. Jesus is the wall-breaker. Like a Fale, The Church is meant to be a house without walls. We are called to be a structure that shelters, a place that the world can see right into, and a family that can never gather without being aware of a hurting world beyond us. This has never been more true than in our current global moment of Covid-19.

This year The Abbey gathers together Anglican youth leaders and young adults from across the Pacific to learn together to be a people that dismantles the walls that divide in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. Walls that separate our young people from their communities, indigenous peoples from their whenua, and of course our own hearts from the God who loves us.


El Rancho
58 Weggery Drive
Waikanae,New Zealand
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