MST Lite Year 7-8 Units
How do I know what is true?
This unit takes students through a slightly brain-spinny tour of how we decide something is true, the different types of truth we tell, and the different ways of conveying truth. It all works as an introduction to the different genres of the Bible, which uses fact truth, personal truth and story truth to convey God's word.
Is there anything God can't do?
This unit looks at possibilities, impossibilities, and the place of choice in what is “possible”. That leads to a consideration of the limits God chose to take on through the incarnation. The whole unit links in with an optional exercise of memorising the Creed.
Is God Male?
Images of God. An introduction to the range of images used for the Christian God, to figurative language in general, and to how we might apply these insights to our burgeoning understanding of God.