MST Lite Year 9-10 Units

MST Lite Year 9-10 Units

As with the units for years 7-8, these are shorter both in number of weeks and length of individual lessons. If there is another MST 9-10 unit you would particularly like to see in a Lite version, contact the Office.

Do I know anything or just believe?

How are knowledge, belief and faith connected? What do we really know? When do we all HAVE to believe something? When we talk about "faith" in God, what do we mean, and how does it connect with knowledge and belief?

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What's the purpose of my life?

Philosophy and Vocation. What does it mean to have a purpose? What is the difference between something having a use and having a purpose? How have people found purpose in their lives, and what does the Christian concept of "vocation" have to say?

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Is death the end?

When we surveyed a range of middle-school students, this was the question most of them wanted to discuss. It is not an easy question to talk about, but if students want to, we should try. This unit looks at different beliefs about life after death, concluding with some insights into what makes the Christian doctrine of Resurrection different, and the place of Christ in that.

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What is evil? Is it anything?

What makes a particular action wrong? Is "evil" a straightforward concept? How does one person's wrong action affect others? What does the Hebrew Bible think about evil, sin and death, and what was their understanding of God's way of dealing with it? What, in turn, does that tell us about Christ's atonement?

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