Easter Day
The point of it all. The greatest celebration in our Christian year. The day when we remember that the thing that has always haunted humanity – the inevitability of death – has been transformed by Christ into a doorway to Life. This is the ultimate Good News!
When we first began thinking about the Middle School Theology programme, we sent a long list of questions to a bunch of middle school students to find out which ones interested them most. In every year from Year 6 – 9, the one with the greatest number of votes was, “What happens after I die?” It’s a question we have an answer to which the secular world cannot imitate. Let’s proclaim it!
Although this resource will stay up on the website beyond 2020, as I write this we are in the middle of the Covid-19 lockdown. Chaplains and RE teachers are finding new ways to lead their young people in worship and knowledge of God. Here are some resources which could be helpful now, and beyond.
A reflection passed on by John Goodwin, and found in Treasures of the Bible.
Lord, when I only speak about you in the past,
when I say, “Jesus was good. Jesus healed the sick,” etc.
I’m looking for you among the dead!
But, you are alive!
I find traces of your presence in the present among the living.
Your smile can be found in the look of someone who forgives.
Your radiance can be seen in a missionary’s enthusiasm.
You give your life in the battle of one confronting justice.
You are alive, Lord, and you give us life so that we can shout out everywhere
that death has been defeated.
We are alive together in you!
From this very day, you are teaching us
to find our source of life in you, in love,
as Resurrected people!
Check out the “Easter Day Bubble Devotions” created by Strandz, which incorporates the beautiful re-telling of the women at the tomb from the Jesus Storybook Bible.
The Anglican Diocese of Dunedin has just launched a webpage with tailor-made at-home resources for Maundy Thursday to Easter Day, for all young people from pre-school upwards. Find it here.
We’re all used to variations on Nativity sets. How about a printable, 3-D resurrection scene? Find one here. Or, another variation on a Christmas theme, try an Easter Wreath here.
Find an idea for a Resurrection “Pass the Parcel”, here.
For offline activities from Good Friday to Easter Day, look at “Graves to Gardens” put out by the Prayer Collective. There are some beautiful ideas there.
Remember to see what other schools are doing where possible. There’s a youtube channel for St Paul’s Collegiate where all their services appear, here; one from St Peter’s College here; and reflections from Bosco at Christ’s College can be found here. Not so many girls’ schools or primary schools there, so if your school is putting videos of your services online, do let me know!